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Name: Jobeth Earl C. De torres

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Location: Brgy. 20 A. Delas Alas Batangas City

This personal homepage is my little corner on Internet, where I can present myself, my hobbies, my opinions and my friends - and lots of other stuff. If you read my personal homepage i hope you like it!!! and know about me and also you became my friend! You see, your homepage actually serve a very important job - it is your digital face on the Net. When you are on Internet you might get in touch with total strangers in discussions, or if you send an email to someone, or leave a message in a guestbook or a feedback form. Those people know nothing about you - and if they want to learn more about you as a person, they migt wery well visit your homepage. What I keep on my homepage. A presentation of myself, my age, sex, interests and strongest opinions. A picture so that the viewer can feel familiar with you. Banners or text that express what's on my mind. A good homepage can be made in just a few hours. Just remember that it is people, not nicknames, that will visit it. Therefore you should be a little personal yourself. Bot don't expose yourself too much! And never leave your street address or phone number on the web page. Remember that the world is full of crazy individuals too...